Factors That Determine If Your Injury Claim Is Worthy

Dealing with a personal injury claim can become exasperating, especially while recovering from negligent-caused accident injuries. In addition, negotiating with an insurance adjuster at your hospital bed can inconvenience you. Therefore, hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you.

The following factors can help to determine whether your injury claim stands in a law court.

1. The severity/type of injury suffered

Injuries are classified as minor or life-changing. If you suffer life-changing injuries such as paralysis, you may take more time to heal and incur more financial losses. The court awards you a lump sum for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity. The court also considers other financial factors such as:

  • What treatment did your injuries require?
  • Did you require transportation by ambulance?
  • How much did your hospital stay cost?
  • How much did the emergency room cost?

Your personal injury lawyer helps you get the maximum compensation based on these factors.

2. Pre-existing Injuries/Conditions

Pre-existing injuries are when a previous injury worsens the accident injuries. The defendant's lawyer may argue for a low compensation based on the pre-existing injury. However, your personal injury lawyer can argue against the argument to ensure you get a maximum payout.

Also, if the new injuries aggravate your existing condition, your personal injury lawyer can argue for a higher payout since you'll need more medical care. You must present all your previous medical evidence and the potential new medical bills to win such a payout.

3. Evidence And Statements From Experts/Witnesses

In any personal injury claim, evidence is vital. Evidence can exist in written form by a witness or expert medical reports. In most cases, the court must recognize the witnesses as experts related to that area of expertise. In addition, medical evidence plays a vital role in determining the compensation payout as it shows the potential bills you'll pay to manage your injuries.

There are some other financial losses you might incur due to an accident. These include:

  • Loss of your vehicle
  • Loss of working ability
  • Loss of time and wages
  • Loss of peace of mind due to chronic conditions, etc.

Your personal injury lawyer should assess the additional financial losses due to injury, including future medical expenses, and provide the necessary evidence.

4. Available Insurance Policies

These are the policies of the at-fault's party insurance coverage that covers personal injury claims. Consult with your personal injury lawyer to help review all the existing insurance policies. Your lawyer can also deal with the insurance companies on your behalf to get the deserved compensation.


You deserve adequate compensation for an accident you didn't cause. However, you wouldn't want to deal with medical expenses that you can't afford and the potential mental anguish on your own. Get an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you with your personal injury claim.
