Is Depression A Disability? 3 Factors That Can Determine Your Case

Depression is a real illness that affects many individuals every year. It can be so debilitating that it can cause some people to become unable to work. If this is the case for you, you may be able to receive social security disability benefits through the federal government. Getting disability benefits for depression can, however, be an arduous process. There are a variety of things that the government will have to consider before you will be awarded benefits, including the following:

The Root Cause of Your Depression

Depression causes are different for everyone, and the root cause will be one factor when the government determines whether or not you will receive benefits. For instance, depression that is derived because of illegal drug or alcohol abuse will very likely be turned down. In addition to the fact that your depression was caused by these substances that you voluntarily indulged in, the side effects of their use can often mimic the symptoms of depression. This can include being withdrawn, excessive sleeping, general malaise, and so on. If it is difficult to discern the symptoms between substance abuse and depression, your chances of getting social security disability benefits can decrease.

The Physician's Evaluation of Your Depression Symptoms

In most all cases, the government will require you to provide medical evidence from your physician as one piece of proof of depression. Your doctor will be asked to determine whether or not you are capable of working based on his or her evaluation. If you physician deems you able to work every day, your likelihood of getting disability benefits can be very low. You do have the option of getting a second opinion, which may help your case.

How Your Depression is Treated

The government will also take your treatment method into account when looking at your case. One thing they will check is the type of medication you are taking for depression. If you are not taking medication, it could be deduced that your depression is not bad enough to warrant disability benefits. If you are prescribed medication but choose not to take it, you can also be at risk for being turned down for benefits. The fact that you are not following the direction of your physician can also cause a problem for your disability case.

If you suffer from depression so badly that you do not believe you can work, disability is an option for you. However, be prepared for an initial denial in the event you are turned down. Work with a social security disability lawyer to help you appeal your case and hopefully have a good outcome. For more information, visit websites like
